Petrified Wood
The rules pertaining to collecting of petrified wood - by recreational rockhounders - depend upon whether the federal public lands are managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) or the Bureau of Land Managment (BLM). The rules are not the same.
On federal USFS-managed public lands that are not closed to recreational rockhounding, recreational rockhounders often may collect 'limited quantities' of petrified wood. See 36 CFR 228.62(e). Note: the BLM's 25 pound per day up to 250 pounds per year does NOT apply to USFS lands.
On federal BLM-managed public lands that are not closed to recreational rockhounding, petrified wood is available for collection on a free use basis in limited quantities as long as the collection is for personal, non-commercial purposes. According to federal regulations (43 CFR 3622), free use collection weights are limited to 25 pounds plus one piece per day, not to exceed 250 pounds in one calendar year, and no specimen greater than 250 pounds may be collected without a special permit. The petrified wood must be for personal use only, and may not be sold or bartered. A material sale contract must be obtained from a BLM Field Office for collection of more than 250 pounds a year, or for commercial use. Mining claims may not be staked for petrified wood.
Collection Limits: Petrified Wood
Petrified wood collecting is subject to special restrictions. Recreational rockhounders may collect petrified wood, without a permit, as follows:
- Collect only for personal, non-commercial purposes
- Comply with the free use collection limits (see below)
Free Use Collection Limits:
Pursuant to federal regulations (43 CFR 3622), free use collection weights for petrified wood are limited to 25 pounds plus one piece per day, not to exceed 250 pounds in one calendar year, and no specimen greater than 250 pounds may be collected without a special permit. Pooling of quotas among two or more people to obtain pieces over 250 pounds is prohibited.
Mining claims may not be staked for petrified wood.
Federal Statute: Petrified Wood Act of 1962
The Petrified Wood Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 652; 30 U.S.C. 611) provides that limited quantities of petrified wood may be removed from Forest lands without permit or charge.