About Gator Girl Rocks

One of the many family activities that I enjoy is rockhounding.  In addition to learning a great deal about geology, palentology, and other natural sciences, I've have found some interesting rocks, minerals, fossils, and gemstones.  I've also enjoyed many fun rockhounding trips with family and friends.

So far, I have found rocks in the following states (as well as Canada, Mexico, and Italy):  Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.


That's me in the fall of 2011 - it's hunting season … I'm hunting agates and trying not to get shot in western Washington

Zoe Tolbert
Founder of Gator Girl Rocks
& Chief Adventurologist

Gator Girl Rocks is my website.  I am an avid rockhounder and adventurologist.  I enjoy rockhounding with my family and friends.  I started collecting rocks, gemstones, minerals, and fossils when I was two.  I am now sixteen and I have an amazing collection of specimens and memories.

2005-09 Smithsonian Rocks 1

Mom and me in 2005

Kara Larsen
My Mom
CEO & President, Sirius Business, LLC

Mom enjoys rockhounding with dad and me.  She is the best gem of all.  Mom helps me make some jewelry with some of the specimens that I've found and polished.

  This is a picture of mom and me at one of my favorite museums - the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.  I was five and skipping a couple of days of kindergarten classes.  Daddy says that mom was 29.  He seems to say that every year.

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Dad and me - in 2007 - on the summit of Mount St. Helens

Greg Tolbert
My Dad
Chief Solutions Officer, Sirius Business, LLC
Dad very much enjoys rockhounding with me, mom, and my friends.  Dad also volunteers to teach after school rockhounding classes.  Lucky for me, dad also knows a lot about natural resources law ... and changing flat tires in the boondocks.  Those skills can come in handy.

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Sirius Business, LLC
We create adventures

© Gator Girl Rocks