Charity Rocks!

Holiday Bazaar 2010

That's me in 2010

I sell certain of my rock, gem, mineral, and fossil specimens.  100% of the profits from every specimen sale are donated to charity.  Every sale makes a difference.

Supporting the Good Work of Good People - Find information about the charitable organizations that Gator Girl Rocks supports.  

Helping Abandoned Animals - Read about the Chief Adventurologist's efforts to help abandoned animals realize a better life.

Purchase a Prehistoric Specimen - Here you can find some of my prehistoric specimens that are available for purchase.  If you would like to purchase a rock, gem, mineral, or fossil specimen - and help make a difference - please feel free to consider Charity Rocks! 

Donate to Charity Rocks!

If Gator Girl Rocks is a resource for you (and how could it not be if you're a rockhounder?), I encourage you to support Charity Rocks!
Hopefully, this website will have identified helpful resources for you and your family and saved you an enormous amount of time and treasure that you otherwise would have spent (or countless hours looking at ad-oriented 'how to' websites and message boards that, more often than not, are useless … or even worse).  All donations are pooled with profits from my specimen sales and contributed to charity.  Every penny.

Thank you for your support.

© Gator Girl Rocks