Below are some of the awards that I have earned pertaining to my rockhounding activities.

2008 Outstanding Junior Rockhound
2008 - Outstanding Junior Rockhound
Very selective award to recognize outstanding rockhounder less than 18 years old.

2011 - Isabella B Mattison Award
Very selective award to recognize outstanding young rockhounder.

NFMS 2011 Annual Convention Awards
2011 - Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies
1st Place Competitive Displays (Junior Division) & the Isabella B. Mattison Memorial Trophy (best display by a junior).

2012 - Competitive Display: Mineral Crystal Systems
Blue Ribbon/Trophy - Junior.

2012 - Agate Nodules from Southwest Washington
Blue Ribbon/Trophy - Master.

2012 - The 100 Year Debate Over Washington's Weirdest Rock - Coprolite or Pseudo-Coprolite
Blue Ribbon/Trophy - Master.

2012 - Petrified Wood & Wood Casts
Blue Ribbon/Trophy - Advanced.

2012 Outstanding Junior Rockhound - Presented at the NFMS Annual Convention
2012 - Outstanding Junior Rockhound
Very selective award to recognize outstanding rockhounder less than 18 years old.

2010 - Thurston County, Washington Fair
Blue Ribbon - Agates from Washington.

2008 - Thurston County, Washington Fair
Blue Ribbon - Rocks from Washington.

2007 - Thurston County, Washington Fair
Blue Ribbon & Best of Show Award - Polish Rocks. I even helped my grandpa build my display case.